Monday, July 24, 2006
yesterday, me and aqila were supposed to meet earlier for the honour band concert, budden she said she going there with gan ma so in the end we met there at two. i was walking out towards the escalator to find aqila and ganma, but met tanya from the other direction instead, okay. then we stood there, waited. tanya shared her MP3 with me, then gan ma and joker came, then we found out that marcia basuki(the BK girl- ltr u'll find out why) was still eating. then cathlin and youting still on their way. then we spent the whole time waiting and it turns out that we're super late, not exactly. but anyway, tanya the genius is hungry. woots- and i wanted to go toilet. urgently. and we were planning to go BK, so we went to city link there and tanya said there's a NEW YORK shop, we passed by, but who can afford all those food? not me. we walked and walked, walked to 7-11, bought myself a mashed potato and mango ice blended then i left $1 smth. lol. crapp. then we went to marina square. my feet having blisters liao. shit* i limped all the way. and when we first stepped into the mall. GUESS WHAT?? aqila saw someone, who's with his partner. lol. xD well, she told us then marcia shouted-whispered(u noe what i mn) 'CBY' of of not in initials form, but i dun wanna write the name. then i was like 'HUH?? who the hell's that?' i took like 5 secs to realise and see and respond to what they said all the while, how retarded. and i saw, marcia, sam, aqila were freaked out, coz he's their co-form tcher. lol. i oso larh, a bit. he was my temporary maths tcher last yr, i tot i wld fail my maths. back on track,heard that he's married then i saw the girl, she's quite young. duno lar and he seemed to be stalking us. gosh. he'll appear everywhere we go! then aqila RAN! really. i went off with her. lol. so retarded. we ran inside BK. then the others oso rushed in. i've got no mny left, then me and aqila go take money and what happened when we're not around was another thing. near the atm, we saw a shop 'TANYA' and a shop 'A,DREY'. cool. csj, u must go see the shop. and there's a cinema in marina square. i didn't noe! how outdated. the sign showed BOWLING CINEMA. lol then being joker and retard, we thought abt it, like aqila said a cinema that only showed bowling movies, which is totally ridiculous! okay we went back to BK. immediately i sat down, i saw the remaining girls laughing. me and aqila were super confused esp. me. then gan ma told mw to watch that BK guy for a while, he very funny. okay... coz when me and aqila not around, marcia was made to tuck in her chair coz it's too out. HUH??? when did a person ever made u tuck in ur chair? he walked around BK, then kept smiling, so freaky. wat the. then me and aqila went to buy chicken cheesesticks, he walked past me and i ducked coz i tot he was gonna tap my shoulder or smth, then he said EXCUSE ME with his hands stretching infront. i was FREAKED OUT. youting couldn't stop laughing. i ltr told them abt my encounter with a stupid man stalking me. it's freaky! then there's two malay girls, they just bought their food and stuffs, then that guy was like EXCUSE ME. and they laughed too. weird? i bet. the pple at the counter oso talking abt him. that malay guy said smth like WHY'S STANDING LIKE that(like chest super out;he immitated the action)? aqila was not enjoying the joke, she said its not his fault he's like that and what we're very mn pple. lol. then suddenly he came towards youting, she SCREAMED i tell you. SCREECHED. her whole face was red. can see that she's freaked out coz he touched her back, like asking where's the other chair from that table. youting couldn't even hear his qns i bet. and she was super duper scared. tanya told me that youting kept asking her to help 'tanya, help me. help.' yeps. we all tot he was targetting at marcia coz she's wearing a skirt. she exclaimed' omg, why am i wearing a skirt today? and today super freaky can? first, CBY, then this BK GUY. walao suay' we went off. on the way we shopped and bought farewell presents. very cute and nice. you'll noe when u see it. my blister getting worst. we took photos.
photos yet to be LOADED
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this are some of the photos that we took while clarinetists ; us ; were in jail. opps. no lah, its during sectionals...

this is the nice one. i like. we look so nice. ahha. esp. sam, coz she's tall and so yar, obviously stand infront.
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Saturday, July 22, 2006
ytd was
DAYrachelLAM tanya retard fatmah

retard pohsin
retard pot/CSJ charlene
Clarinet sect(imcomplete)
dear sec 4S. i dun wan them to leave...RETAIN LEH.and i wore a kebaya. borrowed from shazreen. boo. nth to blog abt. and ytd ndp rehersal. lol. saw HER and HER. she looked at me and smiled when she walked past us with the flag. and i saw her during recess, she was orange, orange sari and hairband and switch's was green. green and orange, my fav man. whatever, then during parade, she went over to the sec3s and said smth, she tied her hair with orange. lol. and she went away. my 2 juniors were like 'wat's wrong with you?'
and whatsoever. then we were talking at that teacher needing a Z-cup. lol. i noe tt's kinda mn, but as you noe last yr was not tt bad, coz i din noe him. and this yr, he's my tcher, so obviously i noe that he's blah blah blah(i shall not say). and yar, no wonders gail was laughing so hysterically last yr during rehersals. so now i noe. LOL. cant stop giggling.
csj, still say you OU her only ar? you blushing alr k? and the person standing behind pixie doesn't look her her. she doesnt k? dun anyhow say. think too much ar you. conducting half way tell me she look like her. lol. NCC's so smart, damn nice can? i like the check dressing part, with the percussion- bass drum and snare drums. this drums remind me of aqila saying that her friend and her back sound like a bass and snare respectively. lol. JOKER-
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Monday, July 17, 2006
oooh, ribena is my favourite drink. okay, RANDOM. my mum finally bought me a new
GREEN umbrella. WOOTS! i love green, don't cha love green? okay, i'm crapping again. and i'm stuck with my duno wat English product review kayes? and today, during announcement, Siying and Amira announced we got
GOLD!!! gosh, i wanted to scream, but that's weird k? and yes. we got GOLD. k, i said that, there no need for me to repeat. and moddswings today. ARGH- freako, o level listening compre surely can't get full marks alr!! HOW?! its only listening, i cant get full marks?! want die ar? and switch said she saw her, i cant SEE, i need to wear my specs, then after the listening compre, she pointed out to me, then i sort of saw her, but then, so weird, i like duno if its her, anyways, POOR poh sin. her wound is like so EWWWW. (no offence) but she really very poor thing. limping all the way. haix, just hop she can get well soon before RACIAL HARMONY. gosh, i dun have costume! darn.
wednesday still have amaths and lit test. WAH! wanna die ar? and tml, bio pple have test. haix...
*the end.
to be continued...
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Saturday, July 15, 2006

today was the 1st national band competition. it was so nerve-breaking for me larh. i scared i squeak here and there then have stage fright somemore.whatever larh, came to school, warmed up and ms sia came, play thru' the pieces and it was great. ate lunch-nasi lemak(super nice can? esp. the chilli, but rx say cant eat too much will have stomachache, but dun have leh), then changed to band uniform, so hot!!! and we went to victoria concert hall, during waiting time, we ate chocolates to calm us down?! tanya's family came and her mum took a picture of me and her, and aqila popped out of no where and took with us(i think). lol, she didnt noe that was tanya's mum. such a JOKER man. then the band b4 us like play so nice. we're so scared!! esp me sitting at the side, what if i squeak and everyone noe!? hack care alr, we just played and UNDER THE DOUBLE EAGLE was surprisingly better than YIDDISH DANCES. duno leh, i totally flunk my yiddish, didnt put in my best, like during band pracs. my fingers were shivering and they're stiff and cant move, but i did move along with the piece. HAHA. can now i'm so tired. after we perform, some of our sect was like not very satisfied, for instance ME. its like yiddish dances not neat and the beginning was quite a mess. luckily the ending bass drumer did a gd JOB!! yay. and we got GOLD. we got GOLD? can i believe it? no. but it's true. we are finally a GOLD BAND! gold as in the real gold yellow golden GOLD!!! not silver. lol. xD
our hard work has paid off. thankyou ms sia and mr ong for their faith in us to give us such a chanllenging piece to work on. and of coz their guidance. the seniors and leaders too, they supported us and assured us not to worry too much. it was afterall a great experience. and GOLD!
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charmaine: yes! i'm eh gold band member, so are you. -applause-
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Sunday, July 02, 2006
dead tired when reached home ytd. it was so exhausting and hot ytd.
yesterday, we went to JB for a performance at the Tun Fatimah school. actually looking forward to it and on the bus, i was eating bee hoon. WOOHOO. din't have time to eat breakfast. i woke up at 5 o clock. so early and sleepy, took a taxi to school, the fare was horrendously and i reached school, went up to 2nd lvl, gave kid her bdae present and youting's belated bdae present. went into the band room and leaders and tchers brief us and they changed the bus!! yay! so overwhelmed. kid in the same bus as me. finally, my wish came thru. went down, wait for the bus, then reached the woodlands there and that stupid person asked me whether the photo in my passport is me(like DUH!!!) and i said yes, he even asked me to change the photo. please lor, kid oso said it resembles me. DUMB. reached the school and everyone waved at us, went into their band room to change into our uniform. so hot and we have to take out shoes in order to go in and blah blah...
sat at the tents to wait for queen of JB to come. sat there at least one hour!!!! AT LEAST ONE HOUR. gosh. it's too much though. even if she the Queen. it's hot and because i'm sitting at the side, the sun kept shining on me and we're wearing black blazer, even worst. i nearly slept. finally the queen came, we had to stand and blah blah. we started playing then kid told me her instru stuck. it worries me. kept looking at her, but it seems ok to me. but she said stuck. we play one piece, they play one piece. their band was quite gd esp. the percussion. then after we finish playing we(everyone of CSB) had to do a curtsy and shake hands with the queen. so weird. we went for lunch and took some photos with the girls there. opposite me, shuying and switch. i'm not sure which instru the girl opp switch plays, but opp shuying plays flute and opp me plays snare drum. they're very friendly.

some of these below are taken on the

SY2 and

retared girl and kid

our feet. smeellllies

this is another photo
of the retarded girl and
her kid. how apt.
she's stupid and i'm retarted.

oh my, sweejinkoh-chan aunty
and when we're going back, kid's shirt was out and siying touched her back wanting her to tuck in, she told me she thought that was a molester. how bon can she get?

you are kid(MINE).
end of our story//
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