Wednesday, November 29, 2006
i got ahma's thumb today and the songs so repeated one.
anyway, i want to show you ying ying the lion. haha.

look alike right?(no offence ar ying ying)
but i think the lion is so CUTE!
still uploading songs onto my phone! itunes is SOHslow just like ying ying said that she's slow! haha! SOHslow. i am just my old self SOHretarded.
chatting with livia ahma and talking about how slow ying ying is! ahhaha!
BAND PRACanyway, we did the DISCO LIVES today and it was SOHfunny 'cause my bell bumped into tanya's bell and yea, we burst out laughing! HAHA! and ying ying ar, you looked like a doctor today with ur specs! biantai*
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I typed all these
Monday, November 27, 2006
i'm going to blog about band camp'06.
the CSbian tais camp!
day oneBAND PRACwe had band prac first lor. so boring and luckily mr ong said, "I guess the girls are hungry already."
then ms sia blurted off, "You hungry or they hungry?"
and i was actually kinda hungry but when ms sia asked i didn't put my hand up. it's so kuku to be the only one.
and during the woodwinds sectionals at the second lvl empty corridor, ms sia asked us to look at the netballers training. she said that even netballers need to 'warm up' before they play a real game. then she kinda caught huimin not looking at them instead at the male teachers playing soccer. but i don't think she's looking at them larh. what's there to look anyway. but it's so funny. then the second time huimin was just stoning or staring into space or MAYBE really looking at the male teachers, and ms sia caught her again and shouted, "HUIMIN! don't look at them liao!" or something like that larh. and she said there's better view at her place.
GAMESwe're group SOH!
yingying, marcia, retard, livia, wanyan, tiffany(sec3), xinlin, baolin, syahirah
yay! we are the SOHsss...
and the first game was molecules whereby we had one ball catcher, two score recorders and five pple who get the ball, the rest cheer! me and yingying were made to stand on the wobbly chair and we caught fishball the baseball and the yellow ball. but we didn't get the cabbage worth of 100 points! it's okay! we enjoyed the game anyway!
and second game was musician of the year. we had clue cards and went around the school looking for the clues with the leaders. we had to eat bananas and apples and drink watermelon juice FRESHLY SQUEEZED. wow! and drink mineral water to get the bottles. and eat lemons. i like the lemons. SOUR!
and we did pt and drills. and whooa the sec 2s really on mann! i think because of LTC that's why larh! can hear the sec 2s
SHOUTING their timings really loud! i can't hear lor! hehe!
then the third game at night was fun cause we got the second place anyway with 18 points! we were being blindfolded and had to form one chain. i was leading know! so scary!
i'm afraid of the dark and plus blindfolded. argh. then that's when the BIAN TAIS came in, so yucky lor, mo here mo there. so disgusting. seriously, zhiyin is a really good guide man! without her i think i would lead the group anyhow and BOMP BOMP BOMP! all faint ar. we climb here and there under the tables and benches and even go on top of them! nearly fell. but it's fun of course. but then we didn't win the trophy.we played billibanja with zhi yin. hehe! and the murderer game was so... anyway, youting and livia was one of the murderers and i got killed by youting! so bad! argh.
day twoduring the night, i didn't brush teeth and couldn't sleep, i can't believe that i actually felt the coldness in the hall! i got blocked nose after that. so i woke up. along with cathlin, marcia. then we joined livia and madeline and aqila said she can't sleep either. but she didn't join us afterall. we talked abt yoga and dancing and livia went dancing! she drank HOT milo and burnt herself! AHAHAHA! then we ate the cookies emily gave cathlin, and we ate the cookies! livia SOH u better don't eye on my phone! hmph! jkjk! and i woke up finding myself tired but i actually slept. SURPRISINGLY. but i oso walked to sweejin and scared her. lol. that was funny!
we then played hidden electrons whereby one of our group memebers is missing that will be xinlin, and we have to find clues to find our hostage. and it's so similiar to last year's game. we also had to find out who the kiddnapper was. whom turned out to be JESSICA! argh. but we didn't find her. if we had just went into the control room and have a thorough search... anyway, it's over now. but i will be kinda sad later when we play the game mobile.
yeah, now mobile,i had to carry this tofu in my hand until the end of the game without letting it break or something. then ying ying! she broke my bottle! argh. sad larh, but after awhile i forgot about it liao. ying ying dun feel guilty or anything, cause u accidentally knock it over, unless it's really... hmmmm... i doubt, ying ying is nice right? hehe! anyway, the tofu surprisingly didn't fall from my hand!
FAREWELL PREPARATIONSsree finished writing all the messages and i told switch what to do and three of us tied the messgaes with the strings and put the presents into the bags. wow! presents done. now what? dumb machine in the control room! can't use burnt CDs, so stupid! and then tanya called for everyone to go up the com lab and we played, then luckily we were able to use the laptop. then me and cathlin decided to dance when london bridge is played. hehe! and fatmah searched for me the photos of the gay couple, so ugly! and hilarious (i mean their stories and blog and FANCLUB!). gosh- nearly laughed until i faint.
FAREWELLwe played coronation march for the clarinet seniors and dedication for the whole band seniors. the skit was a BLOOM BLAST BOMP BANG CRASH and any other words that fits. haha! i was sitting down there laughing my head off at shuying! so funny. and my scene right, i heard the seniors said whooo~~~ hehe. so flirty.
overall band camp was great! i love being a prince~
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I typed all these
Thursday, November 23, 2006
we went out to buy farewell presents at taka and i took photos of this christmas' christams tree!



i love this!
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I typed all these
Friday, November 17, 2006
hey! retard is blogging now.
how retarded, it's been so long since i've blogged. and i want to buy the MCR album YES YES! i also don't want to download and it's illegal(everyone knows that).
anyway back to monday(this monday), clarinet section supposed to come to school for the farewell rehearsal and i thought i couldn't make 'cause of piano lesson but i could in the end.
lead guitar and bass finished their lessons and they went to the canteen and then played the piano while waiting for their juniors to come and they couldn't find shuying and huimin, but anyway they played as in JAM on the piano. it's GRRRRRRRRREAT! they played WELCOME TO THE BLACK PARADE. of course bass played the bass part and lead played melody. it's so COOL!! they loved it. BASS IS GOOD! and of course BASS agree that that was the greatest duet that she'd ever played on a piano!!! and so their juniors came and they sort of performed for them. and they said it was good of course!yeahs. that was the end. but anyway we rehearsed outside the family centre and we listened to MCR's songs and you know what? the person in charge of the centre asked us why we're sitting here. at first i thought she would scold us or something but in the end she said,"Girls, why are you all sitting here? Did you not know that you could go into the family centre to do this?" i was shocked, but anyway it's good, have air-con! but we'll be making alot of noise.
family centre is a very nice place.
we can make alot of noise and even eat there. but till then i have to leave for my piano lesson.
now, tuesday band prac, ms sia said that tanya and me have attitude prob. i don't know, but just don't really care now.
lead said on wednesday that bass played wrongly on Monday. but bass said overall it's still nice. yeah!thursday, ms sia and mr ong came just to look at our performance on the DISCO LIVES. and ms sia said we improved. but before that we had sectionals and we rehearsed the farewell and for my part there was 6 TAKES or isit 7? i forgot but yeah, it's funny. after band we painted mr krabs' eyes and claws. i really love the pair of eyes, its just so nice. i drew it by the way. but its the paint that makes it look nice.
GOLLY GOSH. presents are not enough for everyone! must buy before thursday! and you all better write finish the messages by then too!
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